Thursday, February 13, 2020

HR policies regarding workplace behavior Term Paper

HR policies regarding workplace behavior - Term Paper Example As a rule, workplace ethics are often regarded as an integral part of the workplace behavior, therefore, all the aspects of the HR policies should be reviewed from the perspective of the overall atmosphere improvement in the company, as well as the overall performance efficiency growth. Workplace Behavior and Ethics As it is stated in the research by Covey (2000), the conflict causing behavior is rather contagious, since the entire personnel may become contaminated with the improper behavior. This incurs additional (and often, hidden) costs for the company, while the destructive behavior, such as rudeness, gossiping, incessant complaining, ignoring etc., causes losses in productivity and efficiency. In accordance with the research by Lord (2002), it should be emphasized that behavior and ethics are the essential aspects of employment, since both assist in the company’s attempts to improve the profitability. This is explained by the statement that all the employees have different moral values, ethical backgrounds, behavioral norms etc, while the key employer’s task is to harmonize the cooperation of these people by setting rules and regulations that are intended to adjust certain compromises. In general, every company has a specific set of rules that are not associated with the general working procedures directly. These rules are intended to specify which behavior is acceptable, and which is not, and are mainly associated with harassment, language, smoking and eating at working place, as well as working attire. Some of these rules are stipulated by the domestic legislation, while the others originate from the corporate traditions and HR experience. As for the smoking regulations, it should be emphasized that these rules are intended to maximize comfort for all the employees and customers of the company, as well as for improving the fire safety measures. In this case, a compromise is set between a company and all the employees who smoke, sinc e the company agrees to allocate a specific area for smoking, or implement control systems (in case of non-smoking policy), while smokers agree not to smoke in the areas where smoking is forbidden. Ethical behavior, generally, involves various aspects: Integrity. As a rule, this aspect is mainly required for the positions with high financial or any other material responsibility; however, most companies encourage integrity for the entire personnel. In accordance with the research by Estlund (2003), high integrity promotes the absence of gossips and sneakiness among employees. Accountability. In fact, it is often included into the list of unspoken requirements for any worker, since employees are obliged to take responsibility for the particular set of actions. However, most managerial and executive positions have this requirement listed in the job descriptions. Additionally, this involves coming in time, putting honest efforts while performing the job, etc. Teamwork. Actually, this is not an obligatory ethical requirement, nevertheless, employees interact with each other, and hence, this interaction should not be discouraging for the overall organizational performance. This means that personal dislike should be set aside, as the team will have to concentrate on reaching the corporate goal. Commitment. Similarly to previous aspects, this one is not regarded as an

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Child perpetrator of violence Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Child perpetrator of violence - Case Study Example This is a case that happened to twenty six year old Corey Deen Saunders who experienced chaotic childhood and currently serves a life sentence in prison for perpetuation sexual abuse to a six year old boy. Corey Deen Saunders and family history Corey Deen Saunders is a 26 year old man serving a life sentence in prison after abusing a six year old boy in a library. He is mildly retarded and suffers from attention deficit disorder. He had serious psychological problems and turned from a victim to a predator that sexually preyed on young boys. Saunders really liked younger boys, especially those between six and twelve years and always gave excuses to be around and hang out with them. As he grew up, his behavior became conspicuously sexual and all his remarks on boys were sexual in nature. Saunders also sexually fantasized a lot about younger boys living in his neighborhood. He admitted to having more than four hundred sexual fantasies that involved younger children in school. At one poi nt, he contemplated raping and murdering a specific ten year old boy in school. In April 1999, Saunders tried to aggressively win over a twelve year old boy to have sex with him. As Corey Deen Saunders grew, he became sexually compulsive towards younger boys. Saunders’ compulsive sexual behavior eventually landed him in prison following unsuccessful rehabilitation. His real problems began when he sexually abused two children below his age. This is because he had serious psychological problems. Saunders overtly sexual behavior was not corrected at Stetson school and he continued making sexual advances to younger boys. He stole boys under wears and hoarded them. In September 1999, Stetson school found it extremely difficult to contain Saunders and it was decided that Saunders was becoming hazardous to younger children and was transferred to North Carolina’s treatment facility. However, Saunders was transferred to Top East Emergency Shelter in Taunton instead. Saunders es caped from the facility on December 30, 1999 and was found by police some hours later walking barefoot in the streets of Taunton. After escaping from Top East Emergency Shelter he was never readmitted and the Department of Social Services instructed the police to take Saunders to a foster home in Attleboro. Neither police nor the Department of Social Services informed the woman at foster home that he young man had serious psychological problems. As a result, the woman manager did not take extra measures to protect other children from his sexually compulsive behavior. Consequently, Saunders sexually assaulted a seven year old son of the foster woman a few feet away from his mother in the foster’s home living room. As a result, Saunders was charged of battery and indecent assault of a child below fourteen years, abuse and attempted rape of a child less than sixteen years. Following the above incident in 2001, Saunders pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four years and one day i n prison, with additional twelve years probation. After serving his term in prison, Saunders was eventually released. However, Saunders sexually assaulted a six year old boy in New Bedford Public Library, and he was charged again with battery and indecent assault on a child below fourteen years, enticing and raping a child below sixteen years. Following his second abuse, he was sentenced for life to keep him away from harming children.